Business Continuity Management System

What is it?

Maintain the operational and business continuity of your company in the event of a disaster through the implementation of a Business Continuity Management System.

Define critical applications and processes, recovery times, establish the governance model, develop the security strategy, and create an action plan to respond before, during, and after a disaster, minimizing downtime to keep your services and operations available to your clients and internal users. This allows for achieving ISO/IEC 22301 certification.

Business Continuity Management System
Business Continuity Management System

Improved response to contingency or disaster situations.

Reduces downtime and the legal, fiscal, economic, and operational impacts.

Increases confidence from top management to effectively manage, control, and respond using the best technological and human resources for handling contingencies or disasters.

Safeguards information security.

Enhances corporate image by having a SGCN.

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What does it include?


Evaluates critical processes, services, and assets to identify and allocate resources to protect (human talent, information, technology, suppliers, and stakeholders) to ensure continuity.

Definition of Strategy:

Designs a roadmap to ensure optimal strategies are fulfilled from the definition of the BIA, risk management, communication plans, and disaster recovery.


Puts the defined strategies into practice to ensure that the necessary elements are in place for the organization’s personnel to carry out their activities in accordance with what is defined in the Management System.

Implementation of Performance Indicators:

Determines the effectiveness of the system. The results of the indicators facilitate feedback to establish continuous improvement.

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Improves and ensures the availability of your business services.